Summer Camp – Registration Has Begun
Morton Grove Park District Summer Camps provide a safe, fun, and active environment where children can play, develop friendships, and learn new skills. Summer Camp activities vary from week to week and are designed to be age-appropriate. Activities available every session are arts and crafts, group games, movies, swimming, and more. Get ready for summer. Click here to view Summer Camp Brochure.
If you have any questions, please email Sarah Lindahl at slindahl@mgparks.com
Kidventure Kamp (Ages 3-4), Junior Camp (Grades K-2), Happy Campers (Grades K-3), Mor Gro (Grades 3-5)
Teen Times (Grades 5-8),and Junior Leaders in Training
Click the link to preview. Camp Options are on pages 13-18
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MGPD Summer Camp
Morton Grove Park District Summer Camps provide a safe, fun, and active environment where children can play, develop friendships, and learn new skills.
Summer Camp activities vary from week to week and are designed to be age appropriate. Activities available every session are arts and crafts, group games, movies, swimming, and more.

One Week Camps
The Park District offers a variety of one-week Summer Camps, from golf, track and field, cheerleading, soccer, and sports camps to robots and animation. Your child will explore their particular interest.

Specialty Camps
Dance, art, music, theatre, there’s something for everyone! We provide quality camps for preschoolers and teens; register your child and discover a summer of fun.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I bring to camp?
When does camp go to the pool?
Junior Camp, Mor Gro, and Teen Times swim on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Oriole Aquatic Center: Junior Camp will be bused from National Park Fieldhouse to the pool, and Teen Times will walk from Oketo Field House to the pool.
Mor Gro will go to Harrer Pool.
What are the procedures for medication for my child at camp?
Camp Site Supervisors will hold onto your child’s medication. You will need to fill out a Medication Dispensing form before leaving the medication at the campsite. Counselors will administer medication. Campers are not allowed to self-administer medication.
What if my child needs special assistance?
Email Sarah Lindahl at slindahl@mgparks.com. Sarah will put you in contact with the Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation.
When does camp go on field trips?
Junior Camp, and Mor Gro go on Field Trips on Fridays. Teen Times will go on Field trips Wednesday and Fridays.
Happy Campers hosts an entertainer once a session. See our weekly newsletter for specific dates.
When do weekly newsletters come out?
Newsletters will be emailed every Thursday for the following week.
When will I be billed for camp?
If you are on our payment plan, payments will be auto-debited one week before each session begins. Bills are scheduled for: Session 1: June 6, Session 2: June 20, Session 3: July 5, Session 4: July 18, and Camp S’more Session 2/3: August 1.
I missed the Parent Meeting, can I watch the recording?
You can find the parent meeting recordings at this site: https://mortongroveparks.com/things-to-do/camps/
Questions about payment should be directed to Lauren Ishii at 847-965-0594 or lishii@mgparks.com.