Go Green With Us
Environmental Policy Statement
The Morton Grove Park District acknowledges its obligation and responsibility to serve as an environmental role model for the Morton Grove community through the business of the District and the conduct of its employees. The District is committed to promoting and creating programs that encourage sound environmental practices and conservation.
Personnel at all levels are requested to make sound environmental practices a matter of continuing and mutual concern, equal in importance to all other operational considerations. Every employee is charged with the responsibility of supporting and cooperating with the District’s program.
Park District Initiatives
- Recycle receptacles are located in all parks and building entrances. All recycled materials collected at Prairie View Community Center are sorted by staff.
- Vehicle batteries, tires and solvents are recycled.
- Fluorescent bulbs are taken to a fluorocycle center.
- Printer cartridges are recycled.
- Trees and branches are mulched and used around various planting areas.
- The grass is mulched and recycled into existing turf.
- Motion lights were installed at the service center offices and community center and all lights are shut off when not in use.
- Fluorescent light fixtures and ballasts are being replaced with energy-efficient units.
- 98% of trees removed are replaced with new ones.
- Employees are instructed to shut the engine off when idle or not in use.
- Recycled plastic lumber is used on benches and picnic tables.
- Environmentally safe chemicals are used as often as possible for cleaning and painting.
- Organic biosolids are used to reduce the use of fertilizer in parks.
- Newest truck on the maintenance fleet has an ecobooste 3.5 V6 engine. One of the best in class fuel economy.
- Heat is turned off during the winter months at Harrer pool
- Fitness center patrons now use Gym Valet when cleaning equipment. This reduces our paper waste and the chemicals are ecofriendly.
- PVCC roof is built from reflective materials and is super insulated.